Nova Terra 52

Late Ediacaran — Early Cambrian Geochemical Evolution of the Peri-gondwanan Magmatic Arc of the Ossa—Morena Complex Esther Rojo Pérez NOVA TERRA 52 Late Ediacaran — Early Cambrian Geochemical Evolution of the Peri-gondwanan Magmatic Arc of the Ossa—Morena Complex Esther Rojo Pérez OV TERRA 52 ate Ediacaran — rly C brian och ical E olutio f the Peri-g a g atic Ar of the s M r na lex ther jo ér z r - r l o Late Ediacaran — Early Cambri n Geochemical Evolution of the Peri-gondwanan Magmatic Arc f the Oss —Morena C mplex Esther Rojo Pérez NOVA 2 Late Ediacaran — Early Cambrian Geochemical Ev luti n of the Peri-gondwanan Magmatic Arc of the Ossa—Morena Complex Esther Rojo Pérez NOVA – r m g i ev l ti n p ri G m i a o th – e (SW Iberian Massif)